A New-England-fire-brand quenched : The second part. Being something in answer to Roger Williams his Appendix. Wherein he hath taken and pickt up some of G.F.'s words, and some of G.F.'s old persecutors here and there, that writ against him and the people of God called Quakers, what he thinketh he can pick out for his own advantage; who is of the same spirit, as they that writ against us, and persecuted us in Oliver's days. With a - Post-script confuting his blasphemous assertions, viz: of the blood of Christ, that was shed, its being corruptible and corrupted: and that salvation was by a man that was corruptible. Where-unto is added a - Catalogue of R.W.'s envious, malitious, scornful railing stuff, false accusations and blasphemies, which he foully and un-Christian-like hath scattered and dispersed throughout his book, and calls it scripture-language. Together with the - letters of W. Coddington and Rich. Scot of Providence in New-England, testifying against the said R. Williams and his slanderous and wicked book. And
by: Fox, George, 1624-1691
Published: (1678)