Black women in American history. The Twentieth century /

Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Hine, Darlene Clark (Editor)
Format: Book
Published: Brooklyn, N.Y. : Carlson Pub., 1990.
Series:Black women in United States history ; v. 5-8.
Table of Contents:
  • V. 1. Votes for women: a symposium by leading thinkers of colored America
  • Last hired, first fired: Black women workers during World War II / Anderson, Karen T.
  • Era Bell Thompson: a North Dakota daughter / Anderson, Karen T.
  • Quiet suffering: Atlanta women in the 1930s / Blackwelder, Julia Kirk
  • Women in the work force: Atlanta, New Orleans, and San Antonio, 1930-1940 / Blackwelder, Julia Kirk
  • Kansas Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1900-1930 / Brady, Marilyn Dell
  • Organizing Afro-American Girl's clubs in Kansas in the 1920's / Brady, Marilyn Dell
  • Black women and the Great War: mobilization and reform in the south / Breen, William J.
  • Religion, politics, and gender: the leadership of Nannie Helen Burroughs / Brooks, Evelyn
  • Womanist consciousness: Maggie Lena Walker and the independent order of Saint Luke / Brown, Elsa Barkley
  • Frances Joseph-Gaudet: Black philanthropist / Bryan, Violet H.
  • Ella Baker: organizing for civil rights / Cantarow, Ellen and Susan Gushee O'Malley
  • It jus be's dat way sometime: the sexual politics of women's blues / Carby, Hazel V.
  • Third step: Anna Julia Cooper and Black education in the District of Columbia, 1910-1960 / Chateauvert, Melinda
  • 'This work ad a end:' African-American domestic workers in Washington D.C., 1910-1940 / Clark-Lewis, Elizabeth
  • Black women and segregated public transportation: ninety years of resistance / Coleman, Willi
  • Female protection and the sun light: two contemporary Negro mutual aid societies / Ergood, Bruce
  • Caring and sharing since World War I: the League of Women for Community Service-a Black volunteer organization in Boston / Farly, Ena L.
  • Afro-American experience: the women in New York City's jail / Feinman, Clarice
  • v. 2. Women's Improvement Club of Indianapolis: Black women pioneers in tuberculosis work, 1903-1938 / Ferguson, Earline Rae
  • Case studies of Black female heads of households in the welfare system: socialization and survival / Ford, Beverly
  • 'Together and in harness': women's traditions in the sanctified church / Gilkes, Cheryl Townsend
  • Successful rebellious professionals: the Black woman's professional identity and community commitment / Gilkes, Cheryl Townsend
  • Struggle of Virginia Proctor Powell Florence / Gunn, Arthur C.
  • Social contributions of the Negro woman since 1940 / Guzman, Jessie P.
  • Beyond the classroom:: organizational lives of Black female educators in the District of Columbia, 1890-1930 / Harley, Sharon
  • Black women in a southern city: Washington, D.C. / Harley, Sharon
  • Negroes in domestic service in the United States / Haynes, Elizabeth Ross
  • Beyond the family economy: Black and White working-class women during the Great Depression / Helmbold, Lois Rita
  • Ethel Johns Report: Black women in the nursing profession, 1925 / Hine, Darlene Clark
  • From hospital to college: Black nurse leaders and the rise of collegiate nursing schools / Hine, Darlene Clark
  • Mabel K. Staupers and the integration of Black nurses into the armed forces / Hine, Darlene Clark
  • Call that never came: Black women nurses and World War I, an historical note / Hine , Darlene Clark
  • v. 3. 'They shall mount up with wings as eagles': historical images of Black nurses, 1890-1950 / Hine, Darlene Clark
  • Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Delaware writer and woman of affairs / Hull, Gloria T.
  • Correct thing: Charlotte Hawkins Brown and the Palmer Institute / Hunter, Tera
  • 'Say Africa when you pray': the activities of early Black Baptist women missionaries among Liberian women and children / Jacobs, Sylvia M.
  • Afro-American women missionaries confront the African way of life / Jacobs, Sylvia M.
  • Their 'special mission': Afro-American women as missionaries to the Congo, 1894-1937 / Jacobs, Sylvia .
  • Seeking 'a new day and a new way': Black women and unions in southern tobacco industry / Janiewski, Dolores
  • Sisters under their skins: southern working women, 1880-1950 / Janiewski, Dolores
  • Sex and class: Black female tobacco workers in Durham, North Carolina, 1920-1940, and the development of the female consciousness / Jones, Beverly W.
  • 'They also serve': the National Association of Colored Women, Inc., 1895-1954 / Kendrick, Ruby M.
  • Achievement of Gwendolyn Brooks / Lee, Don L.
  • Mary McLeod Bethune-the educator; also including a selected annotated bibliography / Leffall, Dolores C. and Janet L. Sims
  • Early community work of Black club women / Lerner, Gerda
  • 'Our women and what they think,' Amy Jacques Garvey and the Negro world / Matthews, Mark D.
  • Neglected dimension of Jessie Redmon Fauset / McDowell, Deborah E.
  • Black woman as artist and critic: four versions / McDowell, Margaret B.
  • Self-help programs as educative activities of Black women in the south, 1895-1925; focus on four key areas / Neverdon-Morton, Cynthia
  • Black women workers in the twentieth century / Newman, Debra L.
  • Life in Mississippi: an interview with Fannie Lou Hamer / O'Dell, J.H.
  • Interview / Rosa Parks
  • v. 4. Black women and American social welfare: the life of Fredericka Douglass Sprague Perry / Peebles-Wilkins, Wilma
  • Mother's wages: income earning among married Italian and Black women, 1896-1911 / Pleck, Elizabeth H.
  • Maria Louise Baldwin, 1856-1922 / Porter, Dorothy
  • Mary McLeod Bethune and the National Youth Administration: a case study of power relationships in the Black cabinet of Franklin D. Roosevelt / Ross, B. Joyce
  • Changes in the status of women during the quarter century (1955-1980) / Saunders, Deloris M.
  • Henrietta Vinton Davis and the Garvey Movement / Seraile, William
  • Mary McLeod Bethune and the National Youth Administration / Smith, Elaine M.
  • Charlotte Hawkins Brown / Smith, Sandra N.
  • Black feminism in Indiana, 1893-1933 / Stetson, Erlene
  • Carrie Still Shepperson: the hollows of her footsteps / Still, Judith Anne
  • Disconcerted Black feminists: prelude and postscript to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment / Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn
  • Washington, D.C. chapter-links, incorporated: friendship and service / Trigg, Eula S.
  • Complex bond: southern Black domestic workers and their White employees / Tucker, Susan
  • You have to fight for freedom / Woods, Sylvia
  • Negro washerwoman: a vanishing figure / Woodson, Carter G.
  • Dorothy Bolden, organizer of domestic workers: she was born poor but she would not bow down / Yancy, Dorothy C.