A warning-piece for rash swearers and drunkards : being a full and true account of one William Swallow a carpenter, living in Penitent-Street, near Ratcliff-High-Way, wishing the Devil might make him an example by crushing his bones to pieces, if ever he lay with one Mary Bacon, a bad woman, with whom he kept company : he breaking his vow, the Devil according to his wish, came last Monday night and shattered him to pieces, where he lay in Penitent-Street, as a dreadful spectacle to behold : also, you have here an account of one William Pargeter, a seaman, on board of one of our men of war at sea, who was given to such excessive drinking, that he lately drank himself diligently to death ...

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microform Book
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 780:12.
Item Description:Reproduction of original in Union Theological Seminary Library, New York.
Physical Description:8 pages