A theologicall disputation concerning the oath of allegiance : dedicated to the most holy father Pope Paul the fifth. Wherein all the principall arguments which haue hitherto beene brought by Cardinall Bellarmine, Iacobus Gretzer, Leonard Lessius, Martin Becanus, and diuers others, against the new oath of allegiance, lately established in England by act of Parliament, are sincerely, perspicuously, and exactly examined. By Roger Widdrington, an English Catholike. Translated out of Latin into English by the author himselfe,whereunto hee hath also added an appendix, wherein all the arguments, whach that most learned diuine Franciscus Suarez, hath lately brought for the Popes power to depose princes, and against the aforesaid oath of allegiance, are sincerely rehearsed, and answered.
by: Preston, Thomas, 1563-1640
Published: (1613)