The Censure of the Earl of Berkshire by the Lords in Parliament : also the examination of foure men being masters of ships concerning the great Oneal being landed in Ireland : having commission under the great seale of England to kill and slay the English and Scots in that kingdome and afterward to come into England against the Protestants here : likewise a relation of the Earle of Essex his marching forward with his forces against the cavaliers : with the manner of Baron Walters being taken and rescued again by the cavaliers, five of them being slain.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microform Book
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 247:E.118, no. 15.

Evans: Microforms (3rd floor)

Holdings details from Evans: Microforms (3rd floor)
Call Number: film B 3609 247:E.118 no. 15