A godly forme of houshold government : for the ordering of priuate families, according to the direction of Gods word : wherunto is adioyned in a more particular manner, the seuerall duties of the husband towards his wife, and the wiues dutie towards her husband, the parents dutie towards their children, and the childrens towards their parents, the maisters dutie towards his seruants, and also the seruants duty towards their maisters /

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 1562-approximately 1625
Other Authors: Carr, Roger, -1612, Cawdrey, Robert
Format: Microform Book
Series:Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 589:1.
Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1849:24.
Item Description:Sometimes attributed to Roger Carr or Robert Cawdry--Cf. NUC pre-1956 imprints.
Signatures: A⁸(-A1) B-2A⁸ (last leaf blank).
Item at reel 1849:24 is improved copy over that found at reel 589:1.
Reproduction of originals in the Folger Shakespeare Library and Harvard University Library.
Physical Description:380 unnumbered pages