Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: acts of oblivion and republican speech-acts
  • Lucan and the poetry of civil war
  • The king's peace and the people's war, 1630-1643
  • Rhetoric, republicanism and the public sphere: Marten, Waller and Milton, 1641-1644
  • Uncivil peace: politics and literary culture, 1645-1649
  • Defending the Commonwealth, 1649-1653
  • Double names: Marvell and the Commonwealth
  • King Oliver? protectoral augustanism and its critics, 1653-1658
  • Republicanizing Cromwell
  • Culture and anarchy? the revival and eclipse of republicanism, 1658-1660
  • Paradise lost and English republicanism
  • Appendix: Henry Marten's poem to Cromwell.