Table of Contents:
  • Introduction : rethinking royalists and royalism / Jason McElligott and David L. Smith
  • A lesson in loyalty : Charles I and the Short Parliament / Mark A. Kishlansky
  • The Court and the emergence of a royalist party / Malcolm Smuts
  • Varieties of royalism / Barbara Donagan
  • Royalist reputations : the Cavalier ideal and the reality / Ian Roy
  • Counsel and cabal in the king's party, 1642-1646 / David Scott
  • 'I doe desire to be rightly vnderstood' : rhetorical strategies in the letters of Charles I / Sarah Poynting
  • Royalists and the New Model Army in 1647 : circumstance, principle and compromise / Rachel Foxley
  • The royalist origins of the separation of powers / Michael Mendle
  • 'A no-king, or a new' : royalists and the succession, 1648-1649 / Sean Kelsey
  • The royalism of Andrew Marvell / Blair Worden.