Spectacle de la nature: or, Nature delineated; being philosophical conversations : Wherein the wonderful works of providence, in the animal, vegetable and mineral creation are laid open; the solar and planetary system, and whatever is curious in mathematicks, explain'd. The whole being a complete course of natural and experimental philosophy, calculated for the instruction of youth, in order to prepare them for an early knowledge of natural history, and create in their minds an exalted idea of the wisdom of the great creator. Translated from the original French, by John Kelly, of the Inner Temple, Esq; D. Bellamy, of St. John's College, Oxford; and J. Sparrow, surgeon and mathematician. The whole embellish'd with a great variety of copper plates, beautifully engraved by the best hands.
by: Pluche, Noël Antoine, 1688-1761
Published: (1760)