Table of Contents:
  • A Canton Mandarin weds a Connecticut Yankee : Chinese-western intermarriage becomes a "problem"
  • Mae Watkins becomes a "real Chinese wife" : marital expatriation, migration, and transracial hybridity
  • "A problem for which there is no solution" : the new hybrid brood and the specter of degeneration in New York's Chinatown
  • "Productive of good to both sides" : the Eurasian as solution in Chinese utopian visions of racial harmony
  • Reversing the sociological lens : putting Sino-American "mixed bloods" on the miscegenation map
  • The "peculiar cast" : navigating the American color line in the era of Chinese exclusion
  • On not looking Chinese : Chineseness as consent or descent?
  • "No gulf between a Chan and a smith amongst us" : Charles Graham Anderson's manifesto for Eurasian unity in interwar Hong Kong
  • Coda : Elsie Jane comes home to rest
  • Epilogue.