Table of Contents:
  • "This is my letter to the world": Emily Dickinson's epistolary poetics / Cindy Mackenzie
  • Dickinson's correspondence and the politics of gift-based circulation / Paul Crumbley
  • "Blossom[s] of the brain": women's culture and the poetics of Emily Dickinson's correspondence / Stephanie Tingley
  • "Saying nothing . . . sometimes says the most": Dickinson's letters to Catherine Dickinson Sweetser / Karen Dandurand
  • Messages of condolence: "more peace than pang" / Jane Donahue Eberwein
  • "What are you reading now?": Emily Dickinson's epistolary book club / Eleanor Heginbotham
  • Emily Dickinson and marriage: "the etruscan experiment" / Judith Farr
  • Heritable heaven: erotic properties in the Dickinson-Lord correspondence / James Guthrie
  • Alliteration, emphasis, and spatial prosody in Dickinson's manuscript letters / Ellen Louise Hart
  • A hazard of a letter's fortunes: epistolarity and the technology of audience in Emily Dickinson's correspondences / Martha Nell Smith.