Glenn Murcutt : unbuilt works / Nick Sissons ; [computer modelling, Ria Chaney, Bridget Bale, Choi Lee Yee, Vicky Wang, Ryan James ; CGI images, David Duloy ; presentation drawings, Sarah Fitzgerald ; additional photography, Geoff Leung, Eric Sierens, David Button, John Gollings, Anthony Browell ; artworks, Hayley Megan French, Julian Meagher, Mika Utzon Popov ; executive publisher, Paulina de Laveaux ; editors, Nicole Thomas, Fay Helfenbaum, Margaret Trudgeon].
Glenn Murcutt believes 'Architecture is not about a material, it's about place-making. It's about prospect, refuge, climate, topography, flora, fauna, it is about making beautiful spaces that link with the landscape.' A thinker considered to be ahead of his time, Murcutt is one o...
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